David Ortiz Tells A Taunting Fan That He's Going Deep Next Time... Proceeds To Go Deep Next Time

“Missed it by this much…. Next time.”

*Fast forward to next time*

David Ortiz, ladies and gentlemen! Taunt him and he’ll just take a shit on your life then rub your nose in it. I’ve loved David Ortiz my entire life, but this year has been an incredibly special journey. It’s like when a grandparent gets sick, and you know your time together is coming to an end soon, so you call more often. You stop by now and again. You actually pay attention to their quirky habits and stories. Everything they do is more vibrant because you know it could be the last time you see them do it. That’s how I feel with Big Papi. Has he said, “Next time,” to a taunting fan before? I’m sure he has. I’m sure he’s done it before going deep next at bat and I’m sure he’s done it before striking out next at bat. But this is one I’ll watch on repeat for the next few hours, because it might be the last time David Ortiz tells an AL East fan to go fuck themselves and then makes them do it.

PS – There’s debate whether Babe Ruth ever actually called his shot. He might’ve just been going through his pre-pitch routine and the bat lingered a bit. There’s no debate here, David Ortiz fucking called it. There’s also no debate that Ortiz > Ruth. Go argue with a mirror.

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