Chaps Was An Adult Virgin?

This week’s show we talked about the first few hours at Marine Corps recruit training, picking up spit and putting it in your cargo pocket, my virginity, Hillary Clinton lying about classified emails, Trump’s insane string of exaggerations, and Connor accused Hillary of being half-dead. Good times.

I also butchered a General Mattis quote beyond recognition. Here’s that quote that was on the tip of my brain but wouldn’t go over the cliff.

We had the distinct honor of going over an ALL TIME line by Colin Powell.

Again, the feedback has been amazing. After the blog earlier this week, a bunch of stoolies have contacted me asking where they can get ZBT other than iTunes. Here’s a few other places that it is. If you listen to podcasts in other locations, let us know and we’ll try to get it there as well.

and of course the iTunes link:

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