The San Francisco Giants Can't Do Anything Right, Unintentionally Fire Off A Pretty Offensive Tweet

I’m with Stan Marsh. That’s the exact reaction that I had when I saw that tweet. Like, dude. I’m a blogger for Barstool, I can get away with tweeting a LOT of shit, and I STILL quadruple check everything that I tweet before I hit send. How in the FUCK could you look at that tweet, and be like, Yup! Nothing wrong with this tweet! Nothing wrong at all! Nothing incredibly racist or antisemitic to see here! Send!

Wild, wild, wild shit happening right there. Whatever social media intern that fired off that tweet has probably since been relieved of their duties, but I’ve gotta believe that nobody is stupid enough to intentionally throw those terms in there, so I can only imagine what their reaction was when somebody pointed it out them.

Hey Todd, you might wanna take down that incredibly racist and antisemitic tweet you just sent from the official Twitter account of the San Francisco Giants.

Why? What’s wrong with it?

Read it out loud to me, Todd.

Mr. Bumgarner gets K-K-oh. Fuck.

You’re fuckin’ fired, Todd.

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