BLASPHEMY: PPA To End Free Parking On Wednesday Afternoons And First Friday Every Month
PPA – Amid the continued success of meterUP, the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s pay-by-phone app, the PPA and the City of Philadelphia announce the conclusion of two parking promotions that began several years ago. Concurrent with the expansion of meterUP, two evening parking promotions began years ago in a successful attempt to revitalize Center City will conclude: no meter fees after 5:00 pm each Wednesday and on the first Friday of each month in Old City. Beginning October 5 for the Wednesday promo and October 7 for First Friday, meter fees will be required every night, including Wednesdays and first Fridays, up to the time posted on the parking regulation sign on each block.
Soooooo let me get this one straight. The pay-by-phone app is getting popular, so therefore it’s necessary to get rid of the overwhelmingly popular program that provides free parking? Makes sense. Talk about pissing down your leg and tell you it’s raining, PPA. In fact, it’s outright impressive how the PPA can give out a blatant FUCK YOU in their press release by trying to spin this as a positive for the consumer. I said it before and I’ll say it again, this institution was spawned straight by Lucifer himself. Trying to understand this move is almost as much of a mindfuck as attempting to decode one of the PPA’s signs.
I’m not sure how they’re constitutional. Every single time I park I end up staring at these things like a goddamn 3D Magic Poster for 10 minutes and still aren’t sure what’s going on. Give John Nash a bucket full of Adderall and 20 years and he wouldn’t be able to decipher that shit. Fuck the PPA. We need to local our South Philly hero and get him to fight back.
I don’t care who this man is but let him and his fat fucking dick run for office in Philadelphia. The dude would get 90% on the votes on principle alone. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is despised more in this city than the PPA. The scumbags will ticket and tow you with no regard for humanity. I understand there are rules and regulations to be followed, but you know we’re living in a society. We’re supposed to act in a civilized way. If you stop in a tow away zone for 30 seconds and leave your car to save a infant from being steamrolled you’ll turn around to your vehicle being gone. It’s barbaric.