Ahmad Khan Ramami Arrested In Linden, NJ

NBC New YorkAhmad Rahami a 28-year-old naturalized Afghanistan citizen was taken into custody by police in Linden, New Jersey, a senior law enforcement official said. “He certainly seemed to do virtually nothing to cover his tracks,” the official said. The investigation into the devices found in Elizabeth was ongoing, and authorities were raiding a fried chicken restaurant owned by Rahami’s father and several other buildings in the area as part of the probe.  Meanwhile, five people believed to be relatives or associates of Rahami were taken into custody Saturday during a traffic stop on the Verrazano Bridge. No one has been charged; the stop came as authorities pursued a “promising lead” into surveillance video obtained from two sites in Manhattan where explosive devices were found — one on 23rd Street and one on 27th Street. 

Well, that didnt take long. I dont want to minimize what this guy did because its all very scary and there were still a decent amount of people injured. It still strikes fear and intimidation into people’s hearts knowing that any place you go might be unsafe. But goddam did this dude sucks as a terrorist. Maybe the worst terrorist ever. I mean he couldnt really successfully carry out either plot and didnt even try to cover his tracks. Its Lone Wolves like this that terrorists probably dont even want on their team. You STINK Ahmad Khan Ramami. Have fun getting your ass whooped in prison you fat fuck.

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