I'm Asking Stoolies To Support Our Girl Jess Moran In the Jimmy Fund Cancer Walk Sunday

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Hey! It’s Jess Moran.

So the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk is a week from today, Sunday, September 25th and all proceeds go to research and programs at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. I will be walking to support them since I was treated there for over two years. Specifically I’m on a Young Adults “team” that supports programs for cancer patients 18-35. People can read more about my particular story on my Jimmy Fund fundraising page here: tinyurl.com/jessysjfwalk.

Just looking for Stoolies to get behind an organization that is based in their backyard but supports and helps advance the treatment and cure of cancer throughout the entire world.

Please let me know if you need any more information. Thank you again SOOO much for doing this, I know that you’re getting these types of requests constantly so I’m really appreciative that you’re doing this for me and Dana Farber. It’s such an incredible place with even more incredible people.

Anyways, thank you and GO PATS!!!

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So veteran Stoolies should know Jesse Moran’s story by now. We’ve been following her story since she was first diagnosed with cancer in 2014. She wrote an unbelievable blog about her fight with the disease. It was truly inspiring stuff to see a Stoolie’s day by day journey and her refusal to give in to cancer. Then a few months ago we were happy to report that she was finally cancer free. Well this Sunday she is walking in the Jimmy Fund cancer walk to help people still in the weeds. I honestly can’t think of a better person to support for this cause. She embodies everything a Stoolie is so hopefully we can rally together and raise some cash for the cause.

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