That Toucher & Rich Caller Was Definitely Tom Brady Probably & He Definitely Issued Another Threat Towards Roger Goodell

Earlier today, in a suprise call-in guest appearance on Toucher & Rich (which litearlly translates to “MJ and Lisa Marie Presley”), a caller who sure absolutely sounds alot like he is definitely Tom Brady called in to voice his displeasure with New England sports fans. An expert voice analysis conducted by an independent examiner has concluded that it is more probable than not that the voice in the radio segment belonged to none other than Brady himself. Not only is it extremeley unusual for a reigning former Superbowl champion to be so thin-skinned that he would need to call in to a FM sports talk show with a fake accent, but it’s even more concerning that he would do it to issue a specific threat towards commissioner Roger Goodell in his opening statement:


Again- huge Brady fan here, and we all agree that the league is better when he’s in it but this type of threat towards Goodell simply should not stand. Bill Simmons got supsended from ESPN for a lot less then this unprovoked attack on our commissioner.Normally I would write this off as a one-time thing. Just a guy blowing off some steam by threatening to murder his boss, like guys do. But it made me go back and take another look at Tom’s opening statement from his Tuesday appearance on Westwood One with Jim Gray, and we can fully see a pattern beginning to emerge:

I’m calling on all NFL fans to take a PGA tour approach to monitoring Tom Brady during his supsension, and calling in violations if he continues to thumb his nose, no offense to Jim Harbaugh, at Roger Goodell and the conditions of his punishment.

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