The Red Sox Control Their Playoff Destiny - Section 10 Podcast Ep. 51


The Red Sox are alone in first place for the first time since July 21. From here on out, the remainder of their games will be played against divisional opponents. They control their playoff destiny. On episode 51 of the Section 10 Podcast, we’re discussing the road that lies ahead for the Red Sox, which teams in contention will end up where, our first impressions of Yoan Moncada, if the Red Sox “lucked out” with having Clay Buchholz over Steven Wright, the inconsistencies of the Red Sox offense, and I sound off on the Red Sox “fans” who still wanted the Yankees to lose, even though they were playing the Blue Jays, and a loss meant the difference between being in first place or not. Idiots. All that, plus your voicemail reactions from the week that was in Red Sox Nation.

Leave your Red Sox reactions throughout the week on our voicemail, and they could be used at the end of the show: 781-366-0950.

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