I Don't Know What To Think About Carson Wentz Being First Class GOOBER In High School

So this YouTube vid from way back when is currently making the rounds. Now THAT, my friends, is a Goober with a capital G. All of them, too. They grow them strange in North Dakota. And I don’t know if I’m comfortable knowing my franchise QB was once this much of a pumpkin-pie-haircutted-freak.

I mean, I guess this kid has always had a lot of Magoo in him. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Not every Super Bowl winning quarterback needs to have the moxie of a Namath, Brady, or Montana. Hell, Russell Wilson is a certified dweeb and Joe Flacco has the personality of a stale crouton. They’ve both got rings. So I’m not gonna pass judgment until we actually see him in action outside of 12 plays in the preseason. If Carson Wentz leads this Eagles team to a championship then His Gooberness will forever be adorned in Philadelphia. Winning cures everything. Well, everything except Melanoma. Wentz better be rocking SPF 50 at all times or else we may lose the franchise before he could possibly start. This hoverhand from his young buck days is concerning, too. Gotta have the confidence of a QB 1 in high school and go straight for some cheeks.

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