BREAKING: Tennis Players Are Officially The Biggest Hardos In Professional Sports

Not sure how closely you guys follow tennis but there’s a new trend that is taking the sport by storm. It’s been becoming more and more prevalent over the past few years and that’s the racket smash. Turn on any tennis tournament and you’re bound to see at least one jackass smash their racket per day. It’s basically a “hey look at us. We’re athletes, too, and we get mad and like to break stuff just like the rest of you” from tennis players. Only issue is that their sport is for a bunch of bougie ass yuppie bastards who waste mommy and daddy’s money on lessons at the country club. Back in my day, the only racket smashes you would see would be over the head of whoever was playing Johnny McEnroe. Plus, the technology behind the rackets these days are so advanced that even noodle arm Nick Insider could smash one of these bad boys. The things are lighter than air. Part of what made Bo Jackson snapping his bat in half over his head is that he basically had to break through a tree trunk. But a tennis racket made out of aluminum and plastic string? Well anybody throwing a temper tantrum can break through one of those.
By the way, Wawrinka advanced to the quarterfinals in 4 sets. Still no word on whether he has ever fully recovered from this posterization from Nick Kygrios last summer yet.
I guess I’d be smashing my racket too if some punk let the whole world know I was hitting some other player’s sloppy seconds.
More Racket Smashes: