Ladies And Gentleman, May I Introduce To You Philadelphia Sports Radio In A Nutshell

I completely forgot about these Tweets until now, but it needs to be seen by the masses. This is it, people. Put these two tweets in the Philadelphia Museum Of Natural History because it is, sadly, the consensus of Philly sports radio at the moment. Or at all moments for what seems like for awhile now. And I’m not here to throw shade at Angelo Cataldi (even though he had no issue dicking me in the face on-air when I was Skin & Bones manager for the Wing Bowl). The man has been the tits of the town for decades. It doesn’t matter if he’s a creepy old fuck (seriously, wear less Brut and be more misogynistic to women 3/4 your age) whose demographic is limited to those born in the Cretaceous Period. I couldn’t care less. I care about the outright integrity of Philadelphia sports discussion in this city. This is a direct contradiction of morals, integrity, and life from the leading sports talk host in the city. For the love of Christ, Angelo, be better. If not for Philly, for yourself.

And while we’re on the topic, the time this man single handedly organized the boo’ing of Donovan McNabb on draft night still grinds my gears. A degenerate “Dirty 30″ crew led by supreme blowhard Angelo Cataldi unnecessarily put another black eye on this great football city for no reason. These uneducated assholes wanted to pick Ricky Williams over a franchise QB in Andy Reid’s first draft, even though a promising Duce Staley was coming off a 1,000 yard season featuring Bobby fucking Hoying at QB. Nothing like throwing shade on an already emotionally volatile player before he even takes the field. It’s not like we already don’t have enough to be angry over.

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