President of the Philippines Calls President Obama A Son Of A Whore
Rodrigo Duterte has found himself under scrutiny for his controversial remarks on more than once occasion. From appearing to call Barack Obama a “son of a whore” in his most recent slip-up to joking about rape to openly jeering at the Chinese, the Filipino President has no qualms about speaking his mind.
Mr Duerte, who is widely known as Digong, most recently grabbed headlines for his remarks to the American President. “You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a wh**e, I will curse you in that forum,” he was quoted as saying. The remarks followed weeks of criticism from the US against his controversial crackdown on the drugs trade in the Philippines.
Duerte’s is a seemingly bat-shit crazy dude who became president. Hmmmm
Anytime you can jokingly insinuate that the leader of the free world has a whore for a mother before a global meeting amongst heads of state where you are suspected of committing humanitarian violations for killing 2400 suspected drug dealers and dropping their bodies into the Manila Bay you absolutely have to do it.
I love that he walked the statement back just slightly by throwing in an after-the-fact “no disrespect.”
Sure, I called you a son of a whore but it’s just business, nothing personal.
When talking about the drug problem in the Philippines and how he would fix it, he said:
“Forget the laws on human rights. If I make it to the presidential palace, I will do just what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, hold-up men and do-nothings, you better go out. Because I’d kill you,” he said at his final campaign rally. “I’ll dump all of you into Manila Bay, and fatten all the fish there.”
When speaking about the infamous raping of an Australian missionary, Duerte said:
“I saw her face and I thought, ‘What a pity… they raped her, they all lined up. I was mad she was raped but she was so beautiful. I thought, the mayor should have been first.”
Yikes. He is a man of the people when it comes to traffic, however. The Pope was on a visit to the Philippines and Duerte was fed the fuck up with the traffic situation that the visit caused. I would be too. Duerte said:
“We were affected by the traffic. It took us five hours. I asked why, they said it was closed. I asked who is coming. They answered, the Pope. I wanted to call him: ‘Pope, son of a whore, go home. Do not visit us again’.”
Calling President Obama a son of a whore is one thing, but calling the Pope a son of a whore while you are the president of a country who is 86 percent Roman Catholic is BOLD AS FUCK.
The best quote from Duerte just might be when he’s talking about viagra.
“I was separated from my wife. I’m not impotent. What am I supposed to do? Let this hang forever? When I take Viagra, it stands up.”
I’m gonna start using that line with my wife.
“What am I supposed to do? Let this hang forever? For sure not.”