FBI Releases Notes Reiterating That, Yes, Hillary Clinton Did A Bunch Of Sketchy, Stupid Shit With Her Emails

Info from CNN, Wash Post. The actual FBI docs are here.

So in a tradition unlike any other, the FBI released their notes from the year-long Hillary Clinton email investigation on Friday afternoon. Of Labor Day weekend. Anybody and everybody was on vacation, either physically, emotionally, mentally, or all of the above. I was on a train drinking Moscow mules and boom, info released. So rather than blog it and have no one read it, we’ve waited until today. Waited until you’re back and situated. Waited until you’re suicidal at your desk on one of the worst Tuesdays of the year to hit you with some interesting snippets about Hillary and her favorite topic — email.

Rather than detail the ins and outs of all of the incidents, I’m just going to bullet point what I think you need to know. It’s easier for all of us in this fragile state.

– Hillary thought “C” markings on documents were simply referencing paragraphs in alphabetical order; they actually denote classified documents.

– Hillary thought that drone strikes were not classified.

– (they are classified).

– Despite claiming she only used 1 device, she used 13 blackberries and 5 ipads.

– Her aides destroyed blackberries with hammers.

– “The documents indicate Clinton told investigators she either does not ‘recall’ or ‘remember’ at least 39 times — often in response to questions about process, potential training or the content of specific emails.” -(CNN)

– There’s a lot of other little shit but it’s not that exciting.

The main takeaways are a) sketchiness, b) stupidity/incompetency.

a) It’s just super obvious that her and her team were sketchy with emails. Everyone knows that. I don’t care if you’re With Her or if you’re in line to help build the Trump Wall, you know this. You agree with this. After a New York Times report on the entire email thing, Hillary and her team deleted tens of thousands of emails. They’ve destroyed devices with hammers. They’ve been less than straightforward about all of this. You don’t do that unless you’ve got something to hide.

She was the Secretary of State. Having shit to hide isn’t that shocking. But conducting your business on a level of incompetency that has led to this wildly drawn out scandal is shocking. It’s alarming. How in the literal fuck do you let this happen?

b) Incompetency at this level is not good. Hillary was, on foreign affairs, the second highest ranking official in the U.S. government. The Secretary of State represents the president to the world. Not knowing what “C” means? Not knowing drone strikes (an intensely controversial issue during her tenure) are classified? Not knowing that having a private server would be massively sketchy/wrong/dangerous? Incompetence. A higher level of stupidity than desired.

My dad’s always advised me that the most impenetrable defense is the phrase “I forgot.” Maybe she’s on that train. Either way, it’s either sketchiness or incompetency and neither is ideal.

This is obviously a highly toxic political issue. I’m here to do what I always try to do — present the facts and offer a brief take on said facts. My take is that the FBI releasing evidence of your sketchiness and incompetency is not good for a presidential candidate. The director of the FBI said this about her, ffs:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

Just another comforting read about one of the two people that WILL BE our next president.

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