You Might Wanna Think Twice Before Attempting To Catch A Line Drive At A Major League Game

GOO!! Listen, I want a foul ball more than most adults probably should, but I’m done making fun of Doug Flutie and others for bringing a glove to the games now. I can handle blood no problem, but broken bones and shit like that, I’d pass out. No question.

The reactions to this gruesome injury vary like crazy, though. The correct, and most common, reaction is this guy right here. Like, gross, man. Please put your fucked up pinky down. I’m trying to watch a baseball game. If I wanted to puke, I’d look at Clay Buchholz warming up in the bullpen during a tie game in the 8th inning. I don’t need any extra motivation for that, thank you very much.

But while this guy’s reaction is grossed out, he’s probably also weirded out by the other incredibly not normal reactions that we’re seeing here. First of all, the guy whose pinky is no longer fully functional, he looks like he’s about to bust out a fuckin’ spinaroonie.

And what’s up with this lady? She’s gotta be a nurse, right? Only explanation for laughing at seeing this dude’s pinky hanging off to the side. People in the medical field have a fucked up sense of humor. Not me. I’d be on the other side of the ballpark by that point.

This guy’s obviously a real sicko. That’s where we’re different. I would’ve went into shock, and this motherfucker just laughed it off, had a few more beers and watched the Red Sox blow another game in the late innings. Pinky’s up for class. I respect the hell out of it.

Thanks to Joe for the pic.

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