The Chick Who Caused Chris Brown's Cop Standoff Is Also A Beauty Queen Who Wouldn't Give Her Crown Up Over Nude Photos

TMZ – The woman who got Chris Brown arrested Tuesday got stripped of her beauty pageant crown in part because of nude photos that surfaced, and pageant officials say she lied and said it wasn’t her.

Baylee Curran, the woman claiming Chris pulled a gun on her, was crowned Miss California Regional 2016, but 2 months later pageant officials were fed up with her and dethroned her.

An official tells TMZ, shortly after she won the title someone sent nude photos to the pageant director, who confronted Baylee, saying, “This is not what the pageant stands for.” We’re told Baylee insisted it was not her in the photos.

The director told her she’d give her another chance, but we’re told Baylee repeatedly screwed up and deceived them. She would fail to show for community functions … while photographers were tagging photos of her frolicking on a boat. She was also MIA for events … choosing various photo shoots instead.

The director had enough 2 months into her reign, and told Baylee she was stripping her of her crown, but Baylee shot back, “You’re the director. You can make or bend the rules. I’m keeping the crown and we can move on.”

This sounds just like the bad bitch the world needed to take Chris Brown down. He’s like OJ in the ESPN documentary, living life free and easy after skating on the death sentence that was OJ’s murder trial or Chris Brown beating the shit out of Rihanna. And where OJ had a memorabilia deal gone awry, Chris Brown will face justice in the hands of some nudes-slinging pageant chick who won’t be governed by the laws of other women. Ingobernable. She’s going on Good Morning America to talk about how he put a gun in her face — even as others have been somewhat suspicious of her claims — and the more noise she makes, the more some people will want Chris Brown’s head on a platter. Regardless of the situation and how suspicious I am of how Baylee spells her name, it all couldn’t be happening to a nicer guy.

The good news for Baylee as she tries to get her story out there is that Chris Brown’s fans seem to be handling the situation with all the class and dignity you’d expect out of a section of society who ignored a man bloodying an innocent woman in his car because he dances well and is kinda cute:

Seriously I’m probably not going out on a crazy limb here but I would not have minded the dude being taken out in his police standoff. I’ve never seen pockets of society enable such piece of shit behavior time and again. Fuck that guy, the world can live without Chris Brown’s proven proficiency making hits of both the musical and in-the-face-of-a-woman varieties.

Here’s some pics of Baylee the Conqueror to properly support her in her quest for justice:

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