Barney's Is Selling Dirty, Beat Up, Homeless People Shoes For The Low, Low Price Of $585

Mugatu, you sonovabitch!

He’s officially made it. Barney’s is selling homeless people shoes, complete with duct tape, for $585. It’s genius. Everyone can buy bright, fancy, new shoes. All fresh out of the box, looking shiny as a diamond on a winter’s day. But I’ve never met anyone who has bought a new pair of worn out shoes, have you? A brand new pair of dirty, torn, ripped shoes. So obviously if you sell something nobody has, you can make a fortune off them. Enter the $585 Golden Goose shoes. So rare and unstylish that they are the most stylish. It’s amazing how it works like that. Kind of a “it’s so hot it’s cold” type of deal. If you go around full circle, you come back to the beginning, and voila, $585 shoes that Steph Curry would be like “nah, I’m good”.

It’s not like this is a new phenomenon though. Kanye sold this large white tshirt for $120

and I think it would pair very nicely with these shoes

PS: Poor people who are mad that now their shoes with holes in them are fashion are hilarious. It really is funny though, that rich people are wearing this garbage for “fashion” while poor people do it because they don’t have a choice. Poor people should just appreciate that for 3 days their Fila shoes from 1999 are cool again.

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