Medieval UFC Fighting In Full Knight Armor Exists And It's Somehow Not That Exciting

Decent idea (I think?), shitty execution. If two nerds are gonna take their Dungeon’s And Dragon’s beef to the real life and go full Knights Templar in the ring, more power to them. But watching to see who gets exhausted first by swinging their dicks around in 200 pounds of metal isn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world. At least have a non-Jeremy-Lin chink in the armor to make things interesting with the possibility of somebody being slayed. An Achilles’s Heel, if you will. Or, better yet, have the ref get closer to the action. It takes all balls and no brains to get within striking distance of two men swinging actual, Medieval swords. Make him pay for his mistake.

But for real, fix this shit up or get it out of circulation. I’m all for new, violent action in my life. Like this Group MMA deal from awhile back. THIS is how you put asses in the bloody seats.

(FF to 2:30 unless you want to be deafened by pointless guitar riffs over, and over, and over…)

Beautiful. The closest thing to a legalized street fight for sport as you’re going to get. Like watching a video game that’s almost Streets Of Rage worthy. All about getting the first knockout. After that you can gang up and deliver an assault not seen since the latest World Star video. Sure, the weight classes were a bit disproportionate, too. 5 Zangiefs lined up across from anyone not named Ryu, Ken or Blanka and it’s gonna be a bloodbath. May be barbaric, but it’s damn fine TV. And if this savagery gets us a step closer to some real life Running Man/Hunger Games action then consider it worthwhile.

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