Steve-O Back At It Again, Snaps Both Legs Trying To Do A Skateboard Stunt

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Steve-O doing Steve-O things. You just can’t take that Jackass DNA outta him. That shit is in his blood and bones that he routinely breaks in half. Provided that he doesn’t die doing a stunt, I guarantee Steve-O will be doing these stunts when he’s 80 years old. Swan diving off vending machines at the nursing home and what not. Watch Steve-O live to be 130 or some shit. The dude who we all thought was gonna die in a porta potty getting hit by a wrecking ball is gonna out live us all. It’s actually comforting to know Steve-O is still out there doing stupid shit. It keeps the universe balanced. Britney Spears is still hot and Steve-O is still out there doing stunts where he may or may not break both his legs. Watch that video closely. The third attempt is the one that gets him. His right ankled straight up SNAPS. Brutal.

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