Rollins, Reigns, Cass, Or Owens - Who Wins The Title Tonight On Raw?

With the unfortunate injury to Finn Balor during the match where he won the first ever Universal Title, the WWE scrambled last Monday to set up a tournament to crown a new champion. After a series of matches on Raw, we were presented with a Fatal 4 Way match on tonight’s show to crown a new champ. The 4 wrestlers are about who you’d expect- Reigns, Rollins, Cass, and Owens. Maybe Cass is a bit out of the clouds because he’s so new and a tag team guy, but if you know Vince, you know he has a hard on for Cass’s size and look (you can’t teach that). So who wins tonight? Shit, I have no idea. I wouldn’t even be shocked if the writers and Vince are still arguing about it. So here’s an argument for all 4 to win:

Seth Rollins – It would be right in character for Rollins to win the belt. He’s made a career out of being opportunistic and sneaky, and this would go right along with it. Why will Rollins win? Because he’ll do whatever it takes to win, and he always seems to find himself in these situations where he can swoop in and win the title. Add in the fact WWE wants him to be their top heel for years to come, it would make sense for him to hold the top Raw belt.

Roman Reigns – Ah yes, Roman Reigns. The guy who gets opportunity after opportunity despite Steph always saying how he doesn’t deserve opportunities. Reigns seems to still be in the doghouse from that wellness policy fiasco. Being in the doghouse has actually been great for his career, as being in the midcard and taking losses makes him much more likable. It’s sort of funny that after a million years in the business, Vince still hasn’t realized pushing people down the fans throats doesn’t usually work out. But a natural build up (gasp, creating a character and building him up, imagine that!) gets over much easier. Why will Reigns win? Because he’s paid his dues for a month, and he’s still Vince’s golden boy. Also it goes with his “the new John Cena” character to rise up and overcome the odds or whatever.

Big Cass – We know eventually Cass will get the huge push because Vince loves his size. But this is odd timing for it. He’s still part of the best tag team in WWE with Enzo. And he didn’t really beat anyone or do anything to get to this spot. So why will Cass win? Because putting him in the main event picture with Enzo as his mouth piece would be amazing television. Because though it’s early in his career, if WWE is that high on him, he’d be able to use this win as a focal point of all future promos, a la the way Chris Jericho does it. And because he’s a stoolie.

Kevin Owens – Since joining the roster, KO has been nothing short of gold. Every time he’s on commentary he kills it, on the mic he kills it, and his mannerisms in the ring are always on point. So why will he win? Owens is a fantastic heel, a great worker, has won the IC title twice, and is due for something bigger. It always seems like the WWE holds him back for some reason, even though he has all the tools needed to be a great champ. When Balor won the match vs Rollins at SummerSlam, it seemed the WWE wanted to move away from the shows revolving around Rollins and Reigns for a bit, so having KO win would make sense.

Of course, tonight the WWE could go out of the box and maybe turn Reigns heel by aligning him with a returning HHH or Vince or something fun like that. They have a chance to really make a big moment on Raw, but for once, they don’t have to. Rollins winning clean would still make sense. Kevin Owens winning would make me very happy, as would Cass if they wanted to get nuts with it. I think any of the 4 could win and have it make sense, so I’m very curious to see where they go with it tonight.

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