Join Me In Wishing Basketball Icon Tommy Heinsohn A Happy 82nd Birthday

Tommy Heinsohn, an absolute legend by every definition. Even though he was born in NJ, Tommy is everything a masshole is, and should be. You cannot grow up around here and not have complete and utter love for the man. Just like a certain blogger, Heinsohn is just another great product coming out of Worcester. Starring at Holy Cross where he became their all time leading scorer – averaged 27/21 as a junior – his NBA career was just as outrageous. What people may not remember is Tommy only played 8 seasons in the NBA. Retired at age 30. A career 18/8 player, you know about him because of the 8 titles (7 coming in a row). Not to forget he also won 427 games as a coach and is in the Hall of Fame as both a player and coach. Again, absolute legend.

But as great as Tommy was on the court, he is even better off it. The man is so ridiculous you can only help but to simply go along with it. He’s all of New England’s drunk grandpa who says crazy shit but is a blast to be around. Everyone knows the best Tommy is a mad Tommy, because once that train gets going, it’s impossible to stop

And my personal favorite, his utter disdain for Lebron James. Tommy hates Lebron with ever fiber of his homer body. The whole world might be sucking Lebron’s dick, but never Tommy

The eternal optimist, this is a man who said Greg Stiemsma had the same timing as Bill Russell for Gods sake. He’s the man who created the original Kool Aid recipe. He taught me how to truly love someone in Walter McCarty. Without Tommy Heinsohn there is no Greenie, and that’s a fact.

So with all he has given me, and us, over the years, join me in saying Tommy..

Happy fucking birthday

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