I Would Like To Address These Allegations Of Barstool Girl Hoarding

So on last night’s Rundown, I tuned in like many of you expecting to see some quality continuation of the beef between Nate and Smitty, maybe have a few laughs, forget my troubles. Instead I found myself right in the middle of 2016’s hottest East Coast-slightly further north on the East Coast feud receiving texts like this:

But since it’s all out in the air now, fine. I’m a single guy, been working at Barstool since April of 2014 and have been roaming unchained since after about the first 9 months working here. Every week I do the Tinder blog in part because I like that type of content but also because I’m out there in the field like a lot of you guys, just a guy in a big city trying to find love *cough* however you can. And I’ve even written about the art of sliding into DMs before. Even as a Barstool employee, at least outside of Boston, girls aren’t throwing themselves at you. Maybe that bit of pseudofame gets you in the door but you still have to run your game, be charming, listen to the girl and not creep too hard. Simple rules of engagement.

Enter Nate. Obviously we’re all on the same social media places, some of the same people are talking to us, that’s all fine and fair. But Nate’s game is not that. In fact, even when I’ve teed it up for him in the past, he sometimes spooked girls away:

Same girl months later after some quality Nate negging:

Does that sound like the actions of a Barstool girl hoarder to you? But again, some of these girls know the site, know other guys, I’m not naive that they may talk to another dude too. I have no problem with competing for people’s affections and attention, no problem trusting my own process and laying down a sword if need be. I do, however, have a problem with two things 1) When someone we employ is being extra weird with girls since it makes us all look bad and 2) When my name being dropped to these girls as a conversation point:

I fully admit my personal life has at time been a delicate house of cards but I live by one code:

My name is my name. Let a dude live. You do what you do, I do what I do, no one worries about what each other’s doing and only the strong survive. Unfortunately, Nate did not agree about that and after it happened a few times and reports trickled back to me with one girl whom Nate had spoken to previously (and then unfollowed when it didn’t go anywhere) and was trying to re-slide in the DMs of, I went off on him right before we were both going to be in Dallas for WrestleMania. And that’s where the allegations of girl hoarding originally came from in a text between Nate and I:

The girl being discussed was not happy about how she was being treated in the situation and told Smitty at an event in Philly, Smitty aired it on the Rundown, and that’s how your personal drama turned into #content sausage is made. There are more DMs out there but they don’t directly involve me so I’ll leave those to your imaginations. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to focus my attention on my paranoid checking every single new follower I get to make sure I’m not being honeypotted after all this now. It’s a dangerous world out there in the DMs, I hope Nate and I can both make it out alive.

All texts were run with the permission of those involved, even Nate.

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