Section 10 Podcast: Talking Oldtime Baseball With Steve Buckley


On Episode 49 of the Section 10 Podcast, we had a bunch of shit to talk about. The Red Sox have been playing meaningful baseball since day one this season, so we haven’t mixed in too many guests this year. If you want more guests, then let me know on Twitter and I’ll get more guests. I just figured since there’s actually a pennant race this year that that should take top priority. However, we had Steve Buckley of the Boston Herald on with us to talk about a few Red Sox-related topics, as well as discuss the Oldtime Baseball Game that will be taking place tomorrow night at St. Peter’s Field in Cambridge at 7pm. Yours truly will be in the game, along with my teammates Gary Striewski and Lou Merloni. I promised Buck a home run, and I’m more than likely going to deliver.

Topics include Andrew Benintendi’s catch on Monday night, if David Price has turned a corner, Sandy Leon being a god, and a lot more, plus your voicemail reactions from the week that was in Red Sox Nation.

Leave your Red Sox reactions throughout the week on our voicemail, and they could be used at the end of the show: 781-366-0950.

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