An 18-Year-Old Model Is Going Viral For Coming Out As Asexual Because No One Realized That Was A Thing

Dailymail – For 18-year-old Selena Seraphin, being asexual is something she always felt she was, even before she had a word for it.

The model, who is based in Australia, said that she realised that she wasn’t heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual when she was in her early teens.

‘I realised I was asexual during early adolescence, around 13 or so. I had always felt as an asexual, however, I had only learnt about the orientation during that age,’ she explained to Daily Mail.

Asexuality is, in the simplest terms, a sexual attraction to neither gender, Relationships and Sexuality Expert Desiree Spierings told Daily Mail.

‘Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction to anyone,’ she explained. ‘It’s an identity, but it’s not as common as a bisexual or homosexual identity.’

Some people who are asexual do want romantic relationships with people, just not a sexual relationship, whilst others, like Ms Seraphin, do not want romantic partnership.

‘In the past I’ve described it as simply not having an interest in sex or relationships, or being attracted to neither males or females,’ the 18-year-old said of how she describes her asexual identity.

There’s no non-hardo way to introduce this but a couple weeks ago I was hanging out with a bisexual girl (like an actual one, not a Bella Throne “Omg I am sooooo drunk, crazy how I kissed this girl at a bar or on social media” type of girl bisexual) who told me that LGBT is technically no longer the proper term for the groups of people who don’t identify as heterosexual. In fact, neither is the slightly newer LGTBQ one that most super-PC people use. Apparently now it’s actually supposed to be LGBTQIA with the “IA” also including the Intersex (people who don’t classify themselves as men or women) and the Asexuals (people who have no interest in the concept of sex), two groups who seem newish to the non-heteronormative streets. So it definitely makes sense that there’s some intellectual curiosity about how exactly an attractive 18-year-old model has felt that way since she was 13 because I imagine a lot of people genuinely had no clue asexuality was a real thing.

But on the other hand, isn’t the asexual thing kind of the most relatable arm of this LGBTQIA group now? I mean yeah lesbians and gay guys are pretty straightforward and similar to hetero motivations but I’ve never sat around before I’m supposed to go on a Tinder date like “You know what, fuck this, I’m going gay.” But I HAVE sat home before a date thinking “Honestly even if I got in tonight who fucking cares this is all such a dumb fucking process and it’s just as likely I spend $150 to make out for five minutes and call it a night fuuuuuuck just I want to be high on my couch playing Madden.” Now that situation for me probably still includes jerking off because I’m not totally broken inside when I get in these moods so it’s obviously not a real asexual deal but I can certainly see how it happens. And when you combine that with studies that say millennials are having less sex than ever before, too…maybe we’re all just a little a-curious right now. We’re like people at one of those diners with a 100-page menu that has everything from burgers to tacos, a situation where you’ve got so many options that it all ends up a little exhausting. Perhaps we can see what Selena is saying here and learn a little something about ourselves.

Then again…


Anyway here’s more pics, her Insta kinda sucks actually but whatever, still would…sit next to awkwardly while not acknowledging any sexual interest:

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