Maisie Williams (The Actress That Plays Arya Stark) Read Game Of Thrones Season 7 Script And Is HYPED About It






Oh Jesus, the last thing I needed right now was to start thinking about what is going to happen in Game of Thrones next season. We have football starting, the baseball playoff push underway, oh yeah and they will be releasing Season 7 later than usual and it will only be seven episodes. Reading tweets like Maisie’s gets idiot fan boys like me into a crazy excited froth leading to way too much excitement and I end up looking like this:

Followed by me creating unrealistic expectations that no show could possibly match. Well other than Game of Thrones, which somehow surpassed them the last two episodes of Season 6. But nonetheless, I am going to now be over the top excited because a 19-year-old girl got hyped on Twitter. This is my life.

But I will say this about Season 7 and Arya. Her coming back to Westeros was easily one of the most overlooked parts of the finale simply because I think we were all in shock after Cersei went Keyser Soze on King’s Landing and fucked shit up to high hell. I sometimes forget about Frey Pies and Walder Frey getting his neck slit quick. After the Red Wedding, Walder Frey was number 1 on my list of characters I wanted to see dead. Wanted his head on a fucking spike. But by the time he died, I didn’t care just because this show has so much awesome shit going on. Now that Arya is back in Westeros, hopefully we will see her stab Needle through people’s eyes and hearts. I don’t think she will be a huge factor in how the whole story ends, but I think she will be entertaining as fuck as she goes full vigilante on the survivors of her list. Oh yeah, and I need Arya’s direwolf Nymeria to come back and fuck shit up while at Arya’s side.

As for Maisie Williams, she is definitely one of those people that will forever be a kid in my eyes. No matter what she looks like, I will never be able to be attracted to her. Same thing happened with the Olsen twins and the middle Dunphy kid on Modern Family.

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