Ads On World Cup Jerseys, Jimmy Vesey Updates And A Swedish Ref Loses A Finger

We knew back in June that the NHL would be testing jersey advertisements at the World Cup of Hockey. Personally, I would have loved to see them go the Euro league route just to watch everybody lose their goddamn minds.

But instead, we just get a SAP patch on the shoulder. Now is this step 1 to hockey becoming like soccer? Yes. Obviously. And obviously we need to do everything we can to combat the furthering of ads being thrown on hockey jerseys and tarnishing their sanctity. But as far as this particular advertisement goes, well I’ll file this under the “no harm, no foul” category. The most offensive thing in that picture isn’t even the ad patches, but the European jersey in general. Maybe that’s how Pres has lost that weight. Just take a look at that jersey right after you eat and you’ll be puking your brains out.

Speaking of brand partnerships at the World Cup, they’ll also be selling these in toronto next month.

I can’t recall ever seeing tall boys of Pepsi before in my life. But just like Johnny Gaudreau and Sean Monahan, those cans are flames.

Jimmy Vesey Updates

Today is the 2nd full day of Jimmy Vesey’s free agency. From everything I’ve seen (i.e.: following Bob McKenzie on Twitter), it would appear that Vesey’s decision will come at the end of the week. NHL [dot] com just put out a new “report” today that Vesey wants to play close to home as if the entire world hasn’t already known this for the past 4 months. He’s only been talking to teams in the Northeast with the exception of Chicago, and the Rangers are looking about as desperate as possible with their social recruiting scheme right now. At least let the guy buy you dinner first before you blow him so much.

Now will Jimmy Vesey be worth all this hype once he finally signs with a team? Maybe. The kid is definitely good and there’s plenty of potential there. But he’s not getting all this attention because he’s going to be a certified stud in the league. It’s because his situation is so bizarre. If I had to get him a comparison to another athlete in another sport, I’d say he’s like Ryan Fitzpatrick. Because they both went to Harvard. Did you know that Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard? Not a lot of people ever bring up that fact but Ryan Fitzpatrick did, indeed, attend Harvard University. (Also–you can’t overlook the fact that going to Harvard means that Jimmy Vesey is a nerd. Just something that any team that signs him is going to have to deal with).

But yeah, it all comes down to tomorrow and Friday. Right now my money is probably on Toronto. But the top 3 would definitely be Toronto, Buffalo and Boston in my very idiotic opinion.

Swedish Referee Loses Finger During Game

THN During an Allsvenskan exhibition between Tingsryd and Oskarshamn, Starby attempted to avoid a collision between two players along the left wing boards and placed his hand on the dasher to support his body. As his body drifted back across the blueline and toward the goal, his hand got caught in the boards and — brace yourself for this — resulted in his fingertip being torn off.

“He screamed for five minutes, then he was sedated immediately,” Tingsryd coach Magnus Sundquist told Aftonbladet.

Pretty gross stuff here. Don’t really have too much more to add but I just wanted to throw this in there to show you that sometimes refs can accidentally get seriously injured during play. Thus rendering my initial take on the Dennis Wideman situation 100% correct. Thank you.


Does Barstool Sports need to add enforcers if they don’t want their personalities to internet fight anymore?


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