Here We Have Malia Obama Smoking The Reefer At Lollapalooza




Have a day, Malia! Let that presidential daughter hair down and have a damn day girl! Twerking that ass all over the place and also taking puffs of the reefer. Growing up right in front of our very eyes. Do I think President Barack Obama will be mad about this? Yeah, I do. Do I think Barry O from Honolulu, Hawaii will be mad about this? Helllllllll no. Make no mistake. That’s two different people. Barack will say (well, he won’t say anything publicly) that he’s disappointed his daughter was smoking on the devil’s lettuce because he has to as a father and the president. Young Barry O don’t give a fuck though. Let kids be kids. Smoking weed is part of growing up no matter what your circumstances are. In the famous words of Marshall Mathers, “Marijuana is everywhere. Where was you brought up?” That includes the White House. Stay cool, Malia.



PS- Do I know she’s smoking weed there? No I don’t (wink wink). Maybe she isn’t smoking weed there. That’s possible*.



*I’m just hedging my bets in case Obama thinks about sending a military drone after me

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