Dog Finds Dildo on Walk

A group of dogs were sent into a frenzy on their afternoon walk after chancing upon a giant sex toy – which ended up as the top prize at the pet owner’s golf tournament.
Chocolate Labrador Galaxy got all hot under the colour when he found the foot-long toy during a stroll in Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside.

Imagine being a dog and having one of the best senses of smell of any animal on the planet. The world is really your olfactory oyster when you’re a dog. You can smell anything you want except vaginas and buttholes. Everywhere you go you are told to “get out of that” when you try to smell a little crotch. It’s gotta be heartbreaking. There’s just so much in the groin to discover and you rarely get the chance..

Fortunes turn one day for an adorable chocolate lab that is out for a leisurely walk; he comes across the doggy jackpot. It’s a big, semi-hard, giant dildo that is likely coated with the scent of vaginas or butthole (not judging). I’m sure this pup is happy as hell that he found his holy grail.

Most dog owners would rush to tell their dogs to drop the used dildo. Not this lady. She could see that her dog was as happy as he’s ever been. Isn’t that the point of taking your dog on a walk anyway? Let them get a little exercise and have a good time. This dog did just that. He was strutting around like the cock-of-the-walk with that giant fake penis in his mouth. He felt like a million bucks and why shouldn’t he? One of the feel good stories of the year, in my opinion.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that dildo ended up in the dishwasher. It’s not every day you stumble across a high quality, large dildo like that in the woods. Finders keepers, indeed.

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