Hot Ryanair Pilot Takes Instagram Cockpit Selfies and Bikini Pics Around The World To Empower Women

S.E.C - Maria Pettersson has forever earned her place in the Western canon of Instagram stars by combining sexy photos with travel photos with a healthy dose of feminist empowerment.

“My story is about strong females in a male dominated environment,” says the 32-year-old Ryanair pilot. “Proving that we are just as good as them. Believing in ourselves and keeping a positive attitude towards life.”

You could say Maria Pettersson is taking the internet by storm, but then you’d have to slam your ears in an oven door for using that metaphor. But you get it. Cleanse your palette with more photos.


Fucking love female empowerment. Not sure if you’ve heard but that’s kind of our thing now, empowering females. And there’s really no form of female empowerment I love more than when it involves hot pictures on the internet.

But it doesn’t just stop in the cockpit, don’t worry, we got the full array of basic smokeshow Insta pics.

Love it.

I will say though – “pilot” is one of the very few professions in the world that I don’t really care if you’re a smoke or not. As someone who needs to basically mainline Xanax in order to fly, you could literally be a troll from under a bridge somewhere with warts and moles covering 94% of your body, as long as you have a million hours of flight time and an unblemished record in the air I want you flying my plane. So as long as Maria’s training and flying techniques are as on point as her bikini body then we’re good here.

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