"Robert Griffin III Demonstrates Humility By Showing Up To Training Camp In A '92 Volkswagen"- Robert Griffin III

Oh hey there, I didn’t see you in the parking lot when I pulled in. Whats that you got in your hand? Oh its my camera! Please no pictures oh ok maybe just one for kicks. What am I doing? Why, I’m just showing up (on my off day NBD) to get some extra work in and maybe return some fan mail to sick children, but accidentally drove this ’92 Volkswagen Humble instead of taking my normal ride in my Nissan Armada or Cuyahoga County Ambulance. Here can you try taking another one my eyes were closed. Use the glow filter.

Oh dang! Did I accidentaly just tweet, FB, and IG the pic you just took- and by doing so demonstrate the fact that I sometimes drive a old car to show poor people that there rich QB can goof around and pretend to be poor just like them? How embarassing. And relatable.

Shoot. Hey speaking of being so down-to-earth have you guys seen the trajectory of my passes this traning camp? Haha folks my passes have been hitting more grass then Josh Gordon! Just kind of some fun I like to have at my own expense to prove I can laugh at myself lol. Well hey thanks for stopping by to chat but lets just keep this between us I don’t want people out there knowing how humble I am unless I can put it on a tshirt and charge them $35 for it jk haha. Heres a 8×10 autgraphed picture you were probably just about to ask me for, but I just ask that if you quote this entire revealing anecdote about my humilty in your monday morning column try not to make it too embarassing for me Mr. King! Ok gotta go!

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