Somebody Needs To Take Out This Clown Who Just Chills On The Street At 2am, For The Good Of Humanity
HP – Halloween is nearly three months away, but it seems to be coming early in Green Bay, Wisconsin. In the last few days, the home of the Packers NFL team has been packed with news about a mysterious and very creepy-looking clown roaming the streets in the dead of night. The first sighting happened Monday around 2 a.m., according to a Facebook page called “Gags – The Green Bay Clown.” Since then, at least seven other photos of the clown have been taken, mostly in the same area. WBAY-TV described Gags’ look as “more Pennywise than Ronald McDonald.” His “outfit appears shabby and he’s carrying black balloons,” the station reported. Green Bay police are getting calls about the creepy clown, but there’s not much that can be done, according to Capt. Kevin Warych. “A person can walk down the sidewalk dressed however they want as long as they’re in a place they legally can be, and they’re not in a place that has a closing time, like a park,” Warych told WGBA-TV.
Uh, no, Green Bay police. A person should not be able to walk down the sidewalk dressed however they want. Anyone who dresses up like a clown and roams the streets in the dead of night has too many screws loose for society’s standards. Now just wait till copycats start roaming throughout the village. The people in Green Bay need to rise up together before it’s too late and catch this crazy coot. There needs to be one of those old school town mob uprisings with pitchforks and torches. Something on the level of when Frankenstein was hunted down or an average Tuesday night in the Jim Crow South. Pennywise here is a a bigger threat to the health and livelihood of the Green Bay residents than Olivia Munn would ever be. Get rid of it before someone gets gutted. Just have to find an adult who isn’t petrified of them first.