Clint Eastwood Comes Off The Old Man Top Rope And Says We're Living In A "Pussy Generation"

Interview via Esquire:

ESQ: Your characters have become touchstones in the culture, whether it’s Reagan invoking “Make my day” or now Trump … I swear he’s even practiced your scowl.

CE: Maybe. But he’s onto something, because secretly everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up. That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now. We’re really in a pussy generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist. And then when I did Gran Torino, even my associate said, “This is a really good script, but it’s politically incorrect.” And I said, “Good. Let me read it tonight.” The next morning, I came in and I threw it on his desk and I said, “We’re starting this immediately.”

ESQ: What is the “pussy generation”?

CE: All these people that say, “Oh, you can’t do that, and you can’t do this, and you can’t say that.” I guess it’s just the times.

ESQ: What do you think Trump is onto?

CE: What Trump is onto is he’s just saying what’s on his mind. And sometimes it’s not so good. And sometimes it’s … I mean, I can understand where he’s coming from, but I don’t always agree with it.

ESQ: So you’re not endorsing him?

CE: I haven’t endorsed anybody. I haven’t talked to Trump. I haven’t talked to anybody. You know, he’s a racist now because he’s talked about this judge. And yeah, it’s a dumb thing to say. I mean, to predicate your opinion on the fact that the guy was born to Mexican parents or something. He’s said a lot of dumb things. So have all of them. Both sides. But everybody—the press and everybody’s going, “Oh, well, that’s racist,” and they’re making a big hoodoo out of it. Just fucking get over it. It’s a sad time in history.

I mean, he’s not necessarily wrong. The world is full of PC pussification everywhere you look. That’s nothing new. It’s just entertaining to hear Clint Eastwood go on an old man Get Off My Lawn tangent. Simply picturing him angrily throwing out the term “Big Hoodoo” puts a smile to my face. Gran Torino came out in 2008 and that should’ve been the apex of how old and bitter a man can get. Clint’s had 8 years to add on to his cootness. And I love it. He’s like Vin Scully out there pissing wherever he pleases behind the mic. What do these old legends have to lose at this point? Just say whatever’s on your mind cause sooner than later the clock is gonna run out. Or at least become senile enough to go on a long tangent berating an empty chair in front of millions of people. Wait…oh well. Long live Old Coot Clint.

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