Vanilla Ice Throws A Tantrum After Missing His Delta Flight

This probably isn’t news, but I thought I’d share anyways. I didn’t even catch most of his temper tantrum. My husband and I were at the Atlanta airport this afternoon when we saw Vanilla Ice. He walked up to board 10 minutes after the cutoff time for boarding while talking on his phone, so of course the male employee wouldn’t allow him on the plane. Vanilla Ice threw his ticket at the guy and started cussing at him. The guy walked away and then 5 minutes later a woman employee came to the desk. He started cussing at the woman and threw his ticket at her. Then the video shows the rest.

I thought he was done, so I stopped recording. He stormed out of the area screaming and cussing at a man who was trying to help the employee. The guy had on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt on and he commented about how he didn’t deserve to wear the shirt and needed to take it off. Really? That was one of Vanilla Ice’s comebacks? The emploees were doing their job. It’s not their fault he decided to talk on his phone instead of paying attention to boarding, especially when he bragged about being a Platinum Delta rewards customer. He had 20 mins to board that plane. Before he stormed off, the lady said she was sorry. Vanilla Ice responds with “A lot of fucking good that’ll do me.”. What a douche douche baby.

TMZVanilla Ice had a meltdown at Delta in Atlanta Monday, after realizing his plane had left … without him.

Ice tells us he arrived an hour early and sat near the ticket counter. He says when he looked up the gateway door was closed, so he bolted to the counter, asking why no one called the flight.

Delta employees weren’t in the mood for attitude, but what really set Ice off was a traveler who inserted himself into the discussion, schooling Ice on airport protocol.

Wait let me see if I have Vanilla’s story straight here. He was standing in line to board…but the people he was behind weren’t actually boarding that flight, it was just a random crowd or something…so he completely missed boarding, the doors shut, and the flight took off without him? That’s what he’s saying? What the fuck? How is that even possible? It’s not possible I don’t think. I mean I totally get the random-group-of-people-not-boarding thing (that will have a feature spot in the next Pet Peeves blog, don’t worry), but you figure that out after what, 2 minutes? Once none of them ever move, and different groups keep boarding one after another? Certainly after the plane rolls back and flies off into the sky?

Just an absurd, preposterous tantrum from Ice here. I mean I want to get Vanilla’s back, I really do, I want to kick it and collaborate and listen, but if that’s what happened I don’t see how I can in good faith be mad at Delta. Gotta have a little more situational airport awareness.


Two things I am totally on board with though (no pun intended, sorry Ice, no offense for that) – 1) Getting pissed at the guy butting in out of nowhere. Mind your business dude. Take your phone out and get your little viral video but don’t jump in and insert yourself, that’s just a douche move. And 2) The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt line. So fucking weird and hilarious. Telling some TSA shmuck he doesn’t deserve to wear a shirt with Leonardo and Michaelangelo on it. So true. Bet that loser wasn’t even Platinum.

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