Everyone Needs To Sign The "Keep Old Style In Wrigley" Petition

From last week, announcement Old Style will no longer be served at Wrigley (blog)



This needs to be done. I don’t care if you’re not a Cubs fan. You can be a White Sox Fan, Red Sox fan, Mets fan, or whatever, this needs to be signed. If you’ve never been to Wrigley but plan on making a trip in your lifetime, trust me. If you have been to Wrigley, you know what I’m talking about. Put ads on the ivy, throw a giant scoreboard in left, commercialize the entire park, but don’t fuck with a man’s choice of beer. In the words of the great Robert Byrd. BARBARIC!



I don’t know what it says about my life that this is the first time I’ve ever been charged up enough about a “political issue” to actually sign a petition. Probably not a great thing.

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