Update: Trump Says Just Kidding About Inviting Russia to Hack Hillary's Emails


Wednesday Night:




BOOOOO! Boo this man! This is not Celebrity Apprentice Donald. This is not primary season Donald. This is the new, general election Donald. This is post-RNC meetings Donald. Never… and I mean NEVER …would he have backed away from the seriousness of these comments. He would have doubled down. He would have come out swinging today saying we should ban all women from email. Imagine when he learns about firewalls? God damn he’s gonna love firewalls. He’s gonna want to build firewalls everywhere. He was not in the slightest bit being sarcastic when he said “Yo Russia if you’re listening please hack the shit out of Hil’s emails.” He was dead serious. Wants that to happen and doesn’t care who does it. Think he loves Putin anyway so what’s the difference?

I guess this is probably all part of the plan. Obama did what he does best and orated his face off last night. Had all blue voters in tears. Had the media all riled up. I’m sure Chris Matthews had tingles up and down his legs again. So the Donald comes on and makes this morning about himself, Hillary’s emails and Russia? Makes sense. I don’t even know what game we’re playing anymore, neither does the media, and that’s exactly how Trump likes it. Carry on, Don Don.

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