Iowa Choir Serenades An Army Private Escorting A WWII Soldier's Remains Off A Plane

ABC News- Diane Cupp was not originally scheduled to be on a flight from Frankfurt to Atlanta on July 18, but she’s glad she was. It was on that flight that Cupp observed a group of high school students from the Iowa Ambassadors of Music serenade a full plane as a uniformed Army private escorted the remains of a World War II soldier home to Houston. “Glory, glory hallelujah,” sang the group in the one-minute excerpt of “Battle Hymn of the Republic” that Cupp caught on video. The students were part of a group of 350 musicians from across Iowa returning home from a three-week tour in Europe. The group started singing after the plane landed, when the pilot announced the private would be exiting the plane first. “It melted my heart,” said Cupp, a resident of Johnson City, Tennessee, who quickly took out her phone to capture the moment. “I was so proud of them for doing that. It was so heartfelt.” Evidently, many others feel the same way. The video had over 115,000 views as of this morning.



No YOU’RE crying before 10am on a Thursday morning. Very cool and maybe the only thing that would actually make airplane travel better. Every flight should come equipped with a full choir that serenades the passengers as they wait to get off the plane because that’s the worst part of flying BY FAR. Not the take off, not the landing, not the screaming baby who won’t shut the fuck up, not even the turbulence. It’s the waiting to get off the plane after you land. You’re there. You’ve made it to your destination. The plane didn’t crash (shouts to God) but you’re still just sitting there like an idiot. Claustrophobia comes rushing in at an alarming rate. I could use a choir of beautiful voices to calm me down in those moments. They should work on that.

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