So People Reacted Pretty Calmly To Miss America Being Of Indian Descent

I guess some people weren’t so happy?

Points to Tara. Most Indian people I know have no clue what state they currently are standing in because they don’t know how to read, or something.

This is actually a good call. Al Qaeda so sneaky to plant a hot chick into the States, have her pretend to be a beauty queen for 25 years then have her blow up a show that 15 people are watching. Don’t sleep on Drew Bruff, FBI material.



Josh, we know where Obama is from. He’s from Nigeria. Wake Up.



Good, Great, Grand, WONDERFUL!


Gotta be Merican, first rule of Miss Merican. Sweddy Pittz knows it



I don’t know why but the hashtag #bye really cut deep.



Toss Up!

Seriously, was “Never Forget” just a joke?



Audrey already in the acceptance phase of grief, very adult of her.


How pathetic indeed


4 days is a long time Luke, just saying.



Credit where credit is due, this one made me laugh.



So yeah, here’s your new Miss America/Terrorist/Indian Al Qaeda Sleeper Cell giving what looks to me to be the Nazi Salute. Hope Obama is happy now. Jerk!


h/t Roland

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