YouTube- A 1,000+ pound tiger shark attacks a 7-8 foot hammerhead as it is being reeled in, caught while fishing off the coast of Venice, Louisiana.



FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! That was absolutely TERRIFYING and absolutely awesome at the same damn time. Here’s an idea that just popped into my head. Pay Per View shark fights. Boom. It just sold out and they haven’t even gone on sale yet. Why are we so fascinated watching two human men box each other? Booooooooooring. I can go outside and watch two bums do that. I wanna see something that I’m not able to see in the alley behind my apartment building AKA shark fights. Sure it could be seen as animal cruelty like dog fighting but people would forget that as soon as they saw how epic shark fights are. That shit was intense. My palms were sweating from the jump. Maybe we use people who are serving life in prison as bait to get the fights going? I’m just spitballing here.

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