Alright So Bubba Watson's Shoes For The Olympics Are Actually Super Dope




I consider myself a reasonable and rational person. Do I hate Bubba Watson? Yeah I do. But I don’t hate him irrationally. I hate him because he’s an unpleasant asshole. Those are real, tangible reasons that actually exist. I don’t look at everything Bubba does and blindly say, “I hate that because it’s Bubba Watson.” No no no. I hate the things Bubba does because of the way he does them. I would hate any other person for the same reasons even if they weren’t Bubba. So I can look at those shoes Bubba is gonna wear at the Olympics and rationally concur that they are spectacular. Absolutely spectacular. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! I hope he stomps all over Rio in them and brings home the gold. Because even though I think golf in the Olympics is moronic, I still want that gold medal. We’re still America. We still want win everything despite it holding no value. Win win win. That’s the American way. So I will be rooting for Bubba (and Rickie and Kuchar and Reed). Drape the American flag over just about anything and I’ll root for it. Even Bubba and his awesome shoes.

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