Glendale Heights Man Arrested For Running Naked Through Logan Square And Hiding In A Dumpster
(Source) A suburban man was arrested Monday night on multiple charges of assaulting a police officer after two officers saw him run naked through Logan Square and hide in a dumpster, county prosecutors said. Police officers allegedly received a call late Monday evening that a “completely naked” man was running through the streets, in and around the 2400 block of Western Avenue. That man was Erik Mraz, 31, of Glendale Heights, Ill., whom police officers reported seeing banging on the windows of an Oil Express with a metal pipe. When Mraz saw the police officers, he fled down an alley off Western Avenue and climbed into a dumpster, prosecutors said, and refused to come out when police asked him to. Two officers attempted to arrest him but could only get one handcuff attached to his wrist before he began flailing his arms and striking one officer in the back of the head with the free handcuff, the police report said. The officers used a Taser on Mraz twice, the report said, but each time he was able to “pull the prongs out” and free himself. Mraz then allegedly jumped in front of a moving car, and when the car stopped to avoid hitting him, he climbed into the rear passengers seat. Officers eventually freed him from the car, the report said, performed a take down and arrested him. Mraz, who is charged with multiple counts of aggravated battery to a police officer and resisting arrest, was brought to the Cook County Criminal Courthouse and ordered held on $100,000 bond.
Out of all the things I’ve read on the internet I think climbing into a Chicago alley dumpster while naked has to be one of the craziest. I didn’t flinch when the guy punched a cop, stole a car, and took the taser prongs out of his body. That’s just Bath Salts/PCP 101. Superhuman strength type of shit. But a City dumpster? Naked? Absolutely disgusting. You know how there’s that whole Patient Zero thing for AIDS. How they think a flight attendant from Canada was the one who started spreading it? Wrong. It was a City of Chicago Dumpster. Someone licked one back in the 70’s and AIDS was born. Not to mention every dumpster/trash can in the city houses a full colony of rats. Just the most disgusting thing in the world. Honestly, If you offered me 1 million dollars to sleep in a dumpster naked I don’t think I’d be able to do it, and I’m the guy who said he would put his first born child in a microwave for 3 seconds for 10K.