Turkish Protester With Giant Balls Avoids Getting Hit By A Tank TWICE



First of all, I don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on in Turkey or what happened in Turkey. Didn’t even know what a coup was before all this hub bub. Still kinda don’t. But on Friday when it was happening I decided to be a functioning member of society and flip on CNN. Ya know, just to see what was up just in case it got brought up in casual conversation that weekend. 8 minutes later and I was completely and totally over it. Lots of yelling. Soldiers firing their weapons. No clue who was on what side. No Starks. No Lannisters. No dragons. Shit was fucking booooooooooooring. What they needed to show more of was this dude playing chicken with tanks and somehow winning. I’m on whatever side he’s on. That’s a leader right there.


PS- I kinda like how that Vine is sped up. They obviously did it so they could fit the whole thing but it makes it look like a Three Stooges sketch or something. Like an old timey comedy.

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