This Picture Of Stan Van Gundy And The Boban Is Clearly Photoshopped But Still Hilarious And Utterly Ridiculous


I’m absolutely dying looking at this picture. One of the most ludicrous things I’ve ever seen. How are those two men a member of the same species? I realized it was Photoshopped because of the different sized Gatorade bottles, but it just feels like it should be real. Because a gigantic monster like The Boban and a miniature man like Stan Van Gundy with his squealing voice are a match made in heaven together. The Boban’s comedic value was being wasted down in San Antonio. You should only play for the Spurs if you are quiet, fundamentally sound, and boring off the court. The Boban needs to be with Stan Van and his band of misfits in the Motor City. In my mind The Boban doesn’t even have a house. He just lives in the nicest pile of rubble he can find like Wreck It Ralph (and I’m sure Detroit has plenty of rubble piles).


So now we have the basketball version of The Oddities forming up in Detroit, with Stan Van Gundy and The Boban also having a chance to reboot the My Giant movie franchise. Magical times for DEEEEETROIIIIIIIIT BASKETTTTTBALLLLLLL.


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