I Fully Support This Hot College Girl Who Responded To Being Called 'Whore' On Instagram With A Barrage Of Sexy Bikini Photos

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Mirror – Clarity Engel, 19, has dreams of becoming a humanitarian lawyer but has recently found herself being targeted by trolls after posting images of her enviable figure in swimwear online.

One critic said: “If you’re really serious about having a career, you won’t post pictures like that.” Another called her a ‘whore’ and another added: “Didn’t you want to be a politician? Not with that photo!”

Clarity, who is studying international affairs and Spanish at the University of Colorado Boulder, said the abuse demonstrates how society expects different standards from men and women.

She said: “As I began to further look into this controversial topic, I found that men mostly, were the ones making the degrading comments to women, even though they faced no backlash when posting pictures of themselves in Speedos or, in many male celebrities cases, nude for magazines.”

“I felt a duty to my fellow women to speak out against this issue and common double-standard.”


Courage thy name is Clarity. It takes a brave soul to stand up against the hordes of anonymous online trolls. For some of these brave and handsome souls their only weapons are a rapier-like wit and tremendous skill at pageview generating content. For others, it’s their sweet ass being sprawled fearlessly across phone screens across the globe. But either way, it takes heart to go as directly against her detractors as Clarity has done:







A salute to you, Clarity. Keep fighting the good fight.


PS Me blogging this on Barstool is one thing but the fact that a news story that’s fundamentally “Hot girl gets mean internet comments, posts sexy photos” is somehow a GLOBAL story of interest is hilarious to me. For all the dumb shit that the internet in 2016 has given us, this is the kind of enjoyable dumb shit I can get behind. Not as much when it’s the top story in the NY Times in five years but we’ll deal with that when we get there.


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