Proud Of Rovell For Being The First Ever Celebrity Softball Game Bat Boy, Whatever The Fuck That Means






Now some of you may say, isn’t being the Bat Boy for a game featuring a bunch of people that are absolutely AWFUL at softball even worse than being awful at softball? Like it’s one thing to be Terry Crews, a guy who doesn’t even realize he’s not actually a lefty, embarrassing himself in front of everyone.




Or Nina Agdal not understanding the fact that you have to actually touch the base to be safe.






But to somehow be so bad at softball that you don’t even get to play, you just get to be a grown ass man pretending to be a bat boy. Isn’t that worse? When the fat kid from Modern Family gets a roster spot over you? Well I’m here to say no, don’t be silly. There is no job more important than bat boy. How else will players get their bats? How else will the bat get moved from the plate after a hit? You want people to trip and fall and break their neck? Not on D’s Watch, no sir. When you break it down, bat boy is actually the most important job in the world next to POTUS.








No but seriously, this was so sad.


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