Jon Gruden's Son Deuce Is The Redskins New Strength Coach And He Looks Exactly How You'd Expect

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Wa Po - Jon Gruden hasn’t been just another NFL analyst since his brother was hired by the Redskins. The ESPN analyst did a coaching clinic in Richmond during Jay Gruden’s first training camp. His offseason work with Kirk Cousins became national news. He knew one play the Redskins were going to call during a preseason game before the ball was even snapped.

And his ties are about to get even closer. The Redskins have hired Jay Gruden’s nephew, Jon David Gruden II — a.k.a. “Deuce,” to the Gruden family — to be a strength-coach intern.

“I grew up in a family of three boys and now I have three boys,” Gruden said, via ESPN PR. “Sports has always been a big part of our family and the time we spend together. Our oldest, Deuce, just graduated from Lafayette College where he played football. Now he has a great opportunity to start a career as a strength coach with the Washington Redskins. I couldn’t be more proud of him.”

He also has a reputation for seeking out physical play. As a high school senior, the 5-foot-6 180-pound Gruden said he could bench-press 350 pounds. Jay Gruden was asked this week about the process of hiring such coaching interns.


This is fantastic. Everyone knows strength coaches are the craziest people on the team. They are always the guys going absolutely hardo mode to the extreme, it’s just in their DNA. Now take your prototypical strength coach and multiply that by being a Gruden, and Deuce Gruden just became my favorite person on Earth. You just know Deuce is his father if his father had a 350 pound bench press. Take Jon Gruden’s insanity and passion, factor in the innate qualities of a strength coach, and the result is Deuce Gruden, a mad man about to turn the Redskins into the most fierce football team we’ve ever seen. It makes me wish they were on Hardknocks because I need to see Deuce in action more than I’ve ever needed anything, ever.


h/t Kevin

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