Props To This Last Action Hero Cop Who Jumps Out Of His Helicopter To Tackle A Suspect

Holy Hardo? Possibly. Especially since the unarmed suspect was in an open area surrounded by police. I’d say there was a solid 3 star GTA presence on his tail. Hell, he even waited till the dude’s meter was less than half full after being bumped by the police cruiser to hop out of the chopper and take action. The suspect was already wounded prey ready to give up to the predator. Still though, you have respect someone for taking matters into their own hands. If anything, you need to understand the value of still believing you have “It” and reliving the good times. That was the first open field tackle that dude has made in decades and he wasn’t letting anything get in the way of living in the past. He even squared up for a fight after laying the boom. Most high school heroes would kill to go back to when they peaked. This man was only reacting to his hardo instinct and is second to only to the beastmode cop who turned on the nitrous to tackle a fugitive on foot. In the wink of a young girl’s eye, Glory Days.

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