Does This Look Like The Face Of A Street Magician Who Made A Girl's Bikini Bottoms Disappear And Got Arrested?

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CLEARWATER, FL (WFLA) — A man working as a street magician in Clearwater was arrested Sunday for allegedly pulling off a woman’s bikini while doing a trick. According to the Pinellas County arrest report, RIchard Cook was performing street magic along the sidewalk at 1 Causeway Blvd. Sunday around 8 p.m. when the incident occurred. The report states Cook was doing a trick in which he was trying to make a scarf disappear from his hand, when he asked for a volunteer and the victim came forward. That is when, officials say, he told the victim to keep both hands out in front of her, as he reached down and pulled her bikini bottoms out from her side. The woman was able to grab her bottoms to not expose herself and told Cook she did not feel comfortable doing the trick. According to the arrest report, Cook responded “you will feel comfortable” and immediately did it again. The victim ran off and alerted the first police officer she saw.




Classic gag. The ol’ “I’m gonna pose as a street magician and pull down a lady’s pants in broad daylight” routine. The oldest trick in the book really. Also, poor form by this lady who volunteered to be part of a magic trick and then ran to the cops the second it started. I mean, she was obviously in the right to run away from this dude, but how could she know that it wasn’t all part of some elaborate magic plan? Like when a magician steals a guy’s watch. The payoff of that trick is always worth it. Real talk though, we as a society should lock up every magician in the world. Magic scares the hell outta me. Anybody who can do sleight of hand shit like steal a watch in plain site or make an elephant disappear is a threat to society. I know magic isn’t real but that’s the scariest part. These guys are able to pull these tricks because they’re smarter than the rest of us. Well, not this guy who just wanted to see a chick’s vagina, but the real magicians are smarter than us. Magic isn’t cool or fun to watch. It’s a threat. Magicians are basically just proving that they’re smarter than us right to our stupid faces.

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