Swiss Artist Arrested For Letting Strangers Fondle Her Tits And Rub Her Vagina In Public






I’m not going to pretend to try and understand this. I gave up on attempting to understand modern art and abstract art and performance art, basically everything except coloring books, a long time ago. She says that this art is highlighting the importance of consent so, using this masterpiece as an art barometer, every slut is an artist? I actually don’t hate that. If you fuck a ton of dudes then you’re the Picasso of the penis.



However, my favorite part of this video is the guys going in and rubbing her pussy. How MAD must you be in order to go up to some random chick in the street and start petting her cat like that? One thousand out of ten times I’m going to assume that’s a trick and run the other way. Attractive woman with cameras around her who wants me to reach my hand in a concealed box and touch her “vagina”? Yeah, no thanks. I know that’s a bear trap in there waiting to clamp my wrist, wasn’t born yesterday.


Shout out to the guys that did go in there though because they weren’t fucking around. They didn’t gently pet it, they were rubbing that thing like an IBM mouse button. Oh you think this is a joke, Milo? Well I’m gonna make you cum in the middle of this street and we’ll see how funny it is. Vaginas are like arcade games, don’t present it to us and expect us to not try and get the high score. Obviously, we will not achieve that, it’s for the chosen few, but we’re definitely gonna give it a go.


h/t Michael

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