Anddddd Roman Reigns Has Been Suspended For 30 Days For Violating The WWE's Wellness Policy

So I hit publish on how great it is that the Shield triple threat match is at Battleground at 2:57…and then word comes out at 3:02 that Roman Reigns has been suspended for 30 days for violating WWE’s wellness policy. Impeccable timing.

This is really big news for the WWE, as major, top guys like this do not get suspended for violating the wellness policy often. I’m surprised, very surprised, that he wasn’t protected by the WWE with a fake injury as a cover or something of the sort. This is Vince’s hand-picked guy, the guy they made win the belt at Wrestlemania, the guy who has been doing media for the for the last 6 months. So for him to now be suspended for 30 days is pretty big. No word on if it was for steroids or drugs.

Did WWE know about this and that’s why Ambrose won the title? Possibly. It’s impossible to say. Last night there was no indication that they were writing Reigns out of the main event scene, so it’s also possible they in fact did find out today. The truth will come out way down the road I suppose.

What does this mean for Reigns’ future? Well for one, failing a drug test is not exactly the family-friendly image they want their top guy to portray. Maybe this is what finally needed to happen to get the full Reigns heel turn? He basically already is a heel, after all he did tell the crowd to shut up and all that heel-ish stuff last night, but he’s definitely a tweener. It’ll be interesting to see how they write him back in, and if they acknowledge the failed test.

Finally, 0% chance it’s a work. You don’t release a press release that one of your dude’s just failed a drug test if you’re the WWE for story line purposes. That’s the opposite of best for business.

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