Charges Dropped Against 'Bama's Cam Robinson Because the DA "Refused To Ruin Their Lives"

MONROE, La (KNOE 8 News)District Attorney Jerry Jones confirms that the charges against Alabama athletes Cam Robinson and Laurence ‘Hootie’ Jones have been dropped.

Jerry Jones cited insufficient evidence in proving who was in possession of the gun and the drugs, thus, he is dropping the charges.

Jones says, “I want to emphasize once again that the main reason I’m doing this is that I refuse to ruin the lives of two young men who have spent their adolescence and teenage years, working and sweating, while we were all in the air conditioning.

Big time power attorneys make big time power quotes. That air conditioning metaphor? So deep. So deep that you get lost in its wisdom and completely forget that your brain is telling you psst, the real reason the charges were dropped is because these guys are Alabama football players. Found in a car red handed with guns and weed but there’s insufficient evidence now. Or maybe the “search was improper.” Whatever the reasoning, Cam is free, and Bama gets its stud back, which I’m sure will be good enough for the Tide.

Updated Lane Kiffin reaction:

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