If Yahoo Was Trying To Confuse The Fuck Out Of Me With Their New Fantasy Football Page, Well They Succeeded


Yes this is the very definition of a white person problem but I don’t give  a fuck. Yahoo changing basically everything about their Fantasy Football page is the absolute worst. I went to join my mandatory “keep in touch with old friends” league today and it took me like an hour to figure out how to just sign up. Everything is so dark and weird, buttons everywhere. Yahoo basically said, hey you know how everyone likes our Fantasy site because its simple as could be and hasn’t changed in 10 years? Well fuck that, let’s literally change everything and fuck everyone right in the face. I can’t stand when people do that. Newsflash idiots, change sucks. I don’t care how big or small, every type of change is the worst. I’m not mentally equipped to deal with new things in my life, that’s just how I’m wired, and I feel like I’m not alone. You change my fantasy page and you’ve basically fucked my entire week up. Is that a little dramatic? Sure. But it’s the god’s honest truth.

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